
Mission Statement


Babe /bāb/ noun

a person(s) or group of people on an enlightened path, unidentified by gender, that empower and inspire each other by the community they are a part of, surrounding a particular craft or common interest.

Babe Walls is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that supports and celebrates women and non-binary artists worldwide. Our festivals celebrate women and non-binary folks in art along with the celebration of the community that we can create together. It is not to be excluded by gender – but to celebrate our community formed by the feminine, which we inherently relate to. 

We are organized as a safe place for women and non-binary folx, who not only have made their name in the mural world, but to also give opportunities to up and coming artists that don’t know how to make the first step. 

Each artist is collaborates with another artist to create a work of art that not only shows their strengths and styles as artists, but the commonality of femininity, as well as an underlying aspect of mentorship.

We are here to champion all gender of artists because we are all equal people in our artistic drive and will to create.

We all have artistic struggles and we all generate a part of ourselves in multiple art forms, WE ARE ALL ARTISTS. We are here to celebrate women and non-binary folx in their art and what we can do as a community when we come together to create.